
Bob Means Plumbing

Dauphin County Technical School House Rehab Video

Dauphin County Technical School House Rehab Video
Bob Means Plumbing places a huge emphasis on being involved with their local community and engaging future tradesmen. Our team developed and directed a series of testimonial videos to highlight their sponsorship of Dauphin County Technical School’s program to refurbish a dilapidated home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Through this program, high school students in the Building and Construction field at DCTS gained first hand knowledge of how to successfully run plumbing throughout an entire home. Bob Means Plumbing donated instruction through master plumber and company founder, Bob Means himself.

Our team organized and directed the video shoot and successfully produced one long format video and two short format videos that focused specifically on Community Involvement and, Bob Means Plumbing's role within the project, independently.

To view the short format videos, please see the links below:
Community Involvement | Bob Means Plumbing's Involvement

End of Year Wrap Up Video

End of Year Wrap Up Video
Bob Means Plumbing was excited to share with their staff all the progress made in 2022. We developed storyboards that walked through various categories they wanted to shine light on to create an engaging video reel to share at their end of the year celebration.

Services Video

Services Video

To see the individual service videos produced from our video shoot, click a link below:
Commercial Services | Residential Services